Strangely, that’s not a quote from coach Richt’s post-practice press conference.
I usually try to avoid wasting clicks on bad articles, lol, but I couldn’t help myself today. Buck Belue kinda ticked me off just now. When it comes to recruiting, I only trust these national journalists and analysts so much, I mean, at the end of the day, it is a business. But for someone with the status he has, Buck Belue could use a subscription. I’m sure he’s got enough money for it. I’m a college student, I could probably make enough to buy myself one in a month or so, realistically speaking. But man, Buck…Some quotes from the person you’re talking about would be
nice...maybe a link? Not calling you a liar, maybe suspecting it a little, though. Because from just about every recruiting outlet, the MAIN person involved with Carradine's recruitment besides himself was his uncle.
FSU had been recruiting Tank for much longer than UGA had...Tank and his uncle made it clear he wanted to play in Florida to begin with. UGA made a strong push at the end, but FSU was around longer, since UGA waited for academic clearing to officially offer the guy. UGA definitely had a shot at the end, but you can't win em all, unlike some employed 'journalists' tend to think. Click the picture below to see an article from a legit recruiting source....note the last line.

You obviously haven't been reading these websites, Buck. You probably just read the AJC when it comes to recruiting, right? Maybe it’s just me. It's not like they could've verbally offered him (oh wait, they already did.), it's not like the coaches couldn’t get him to visit during the season, right? You know, when he played his junior college games? On Saturdays? In KANSAS, right? Weren't you the one saying Richt had to get the best guys in the state to save his job? Kansas is way further than Griffin or Thomasville though, right? Why recruit a JUCO guy in Kansas, hell, why leave the state of Georgia if Alabama is raiding Georgia like ya'll say they are? (Oh, right...they only have two guys from GA committed, and you know how those high school kids like to change their minds J)
I understand you have a job and your own personal life, and probably don't have too much free time on your hands...but if you wanna talk about recruiting, you might need to get a subscription, or find a way to hear these things from the horse's mouth on what's really going on in recruiting. You just can’t claim a poor start to the recruiting class when so many of the top guys haven't even started to make their choices. We understand it, you want to see the Dawgs’ doing well. We all do, but most of us know enough to know that we don’t know everything going on inside the program. Maybe you should hang around the AD’s office and see what he’s up to. Myself and the rest of the recruitniks would much rather hear about that, and I’m sure they wouldn’t mind you hanging around the office. Why not interview McGarity next week, instead of throwing this same tired Coach Richt meme we hear from the AJC every morning?
‘he-said, she-said’ is fine when there’s verification, you know, some kind of record of what was said. Without verification, no one knows who to believe; And in this case, some fan who’s doesn’t spend time reading actual recruiting sites is eating this up, and in turn, keeping bad blog writers’ like the ones in Atlanta employed. Not to mention the recruits of the Dawgs use the Internet too, right?
I heard this quote thanks to EbenGregory, a blogger from the DMV area. Not sure where it came from, but I think it serves as the moral to this story:
He who knows not, and knows not he knows not, is a fool, shun him.
He who knows not, and knows he knows not, is simple, teach him.
He who knows, and knows not he knows, is asleep, wake him.
He who knows, and knows he knows, is wise. Follow him.